With regret, we learn of the deaths of past 10 Squadron members
who have passed away

If personal details below are not comprehensive and you can add more, such as Date of Death/Funeral Venue, Rank, Aircrew Category and Type of Aircraft flown, together with the years of both RAF & 10 Sqn service, please email us. You might also include birth-place and year, post-RAF occupation and names of other family members: all details make for a more comprehensive narrative to honour former Squadron members. Photos are welcome too in order to jog memories.
The Association now has its own flag which may be used to drape a coffin at a funeral and which may be sent to the undertakers or bereaved relatives by post, prior to the event. It is lightweight, measures 6ft x 4ft and is made from a washable terylene material. After the funeral it must of course, be returned to us.
We regrettably have to ask that, with the high cost of postage these days, the postal charge in sending the flag by 2nd Class post to you be paid into the Association account via BACs. Our Bank details will be supplied with the flag inside the psckage.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about this facility.
Note: The Union Flag may drape an ex-service person's coffin but the RAF Ensign must never be used for that purpose. It may only be flown from a flagpole.
28 January 2025
Stanley Booker
Stanley Booker aged 102, passed away on Sunday 27 January 2025.
A memorial service is scheduled to take place on
Friday 28th February, at 10:00 hrs
Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground, Hinton, Walkford, Christchurch,
Dorset. BH23 7EJ
Association member and also an interviewer for the IBCC in Lincoln, Susanne Pescott interviewed Stanley in the autumn of 2024 and her comments then are worth publishing.
Susanne writes, "I was so lucky to have to met Stanley and record his interview for IBCC last Autumn." - A copy of her report is posted here below in pdf format (click on Stanley's name below to open.)
Our condolences go to Stanley's daughter Pat and all his family.
December 2024
Alex Fraser
We learn that 2024 centenarian Alex passed away in early December.
We offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to all his family.
21 Sep 24
Reverend Jim Gould
It was typical of this fine gentleman to offer his services to us in our hour of need, four years ago, after our own ex-10 Squadron Chaplain Ian Cook had died the previous year. We are most grateful to Jim for stepping into the breech to conduct our road-side service in Yorkshire at the 10 Squadron Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.
Having not been put off after his first experience in 2021, Jim returned to conduct the service at the Memorial again in the following year but sadly ill health prevented his attendance in 2023.
We offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to Jim’s wife Cathy and all his family.
Note: Jim was first introduced to us via a chance contact through the 'Ops Normal' aviation website (similar to the Pprune one)
Readers may wish to visit: Ops-Normal.org - Index page
31 Aug 24
Joseph (Joe) Todkill Sharp SQN LDR VC10 Navigator
Joe's son David writes, " I am sorry to have to inform you that Sqn Ldr Joseph T. Sharp passed away last week in Churchfields Care Home, Cassington, Oxford, after a long battle with dementia".
The funeral was held on 26 September 2024 at St Peter and St Paul Church
in Church Hanborough, Witney, Oxon and a wake was held afterwards at
the Chequers Inn in Cassington.
Joe Sharp was born in Stockport, Cheshire in May 1929. He and his wife Doreen, who passed away in 2009, had four children; Michael, Jane, Robert and David. They have kindly passed on some information about their father Joe’s RAF career, together with the accompanying photos.
On his retirement from the Royal Air Force Joseph Todkill Sharp was a squadron leader who had had a long and illustrious career serving Queen and Country; a career which had started with his training to be a navigator at the Royal Air Force College Cranwell: the world's first air academy, which today still trains the next generation of officers and aircrew.
Joe flew twin-engined Canberras, the first of a new generation of jet powered medium-range bombers, during the Suez Crisis in 1956 and he was still in Bomber Command in the 1960's flying the Valiant and Victor V-bombers, during the Cold War era with the Soviet Union. The RAF's V-Force aircraft were designed to carry the deadly Blue Steel nuclear bomb.
All eyes on Joe (far right) during his V-Force days
Joe then went on to teach navigation to newly commissioned officers using the Varsity aircraft based at RAF Gaydon in Warwickshire.
In 1968 he joined Air Support Command to fly the VC10 transport aircraft based at Brize Norton and that move took him and his family to live in Long Hanborough near Witney, Oxfordshire. This new role required extensive foreign travel all over the world.
After promotion to squadron leader rank, Joe became part of a small elite team of VC10 aircrew qualified to fly Royalty and senior government ministers. On these VIP trips he flew Her Majesty The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne to many far-flung destinations on British and Commonwealth business. He flew Prime Ministers Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher too on VIP trips including a tour to Australia and New Zealand. In 1982, after the UK declared war on Argentina following the invasion of the Falkland Islands, 10 Squadron’s VC10s provided a vital air bridge between the UK and Ascension Island, suppling troops and supplies destined for the Naval Task Force and subsequent invasion forces, operating in the South Atlantic during Operation Corporate.
Joe's log books give evidence to his many thousands of flying hours doing what he loved and they make compelling reading. He was a pioneer aiding in the development of satellite navigation, when it was first trialed by the Royal Air Force. Until the introduction of that system of navigation in the world’s remoter areas, where radio-navigation beacons were absent, Joe had utilised his knowledge of ‘astro-navigation’ using only the sun and stars as guidance by what was considered to be a ‘black art’ using a sextant mounted in the aircrafts’ roof.
Joe retired from the RAF aged 55 years having spent his final years of service examining and route-checking other navigators to ensure standards were maintained and in so doing, passed on his wealth of knowledge and experience to a younger generation.
On leaving the RAF Joe joined CSE Aviation based at Kidlington, Oxford and it was here then over the next 17 years that he taught navigation to civilians in light aircraft. His previous military VIP experience enabled him to include such celebrities as Richard Branson, Sarah Ferguson and Frankie Dettori as his pupils, to name but a few. Whilst at CSE, he learned to pilot an aircraft himself as opposed to his former days of navigating them and, after firstly gaining a private pilots licence (PPL), he then followed it achieving a much respected commercial licence (CPL).
Joe finally hung up his flying boots on his 72nd birthday with a wealth of tales to tell of his long career in aviation.
31 May 2024
We have recently been advised that Tony Parker died on 10th May aged 86 yrs.
His funeral was held at the Worthing Crematorium on 13 June 202.
Although Tony was not an Association member we naturally send our condolences to his family which include his wife Laura, daughter Lynn and his two sons David and Nicholas.
Information received from his lifelong friend Ray Jones, indicates that Tony was an ‘A’ cat flight engineer on the VC10 and after leaving the RAF, he worked for Dan Air, Gulf Air and finally became the chief flight engineer on the Bahrain Royal Flight.
One accolade to his temperament indicates that, “the bigger the problem, so the calmer Tony became”.
RIP Tony
24 April 2024
Brian & Doff Sherlock
Sqn Ldr VC10 Captain 1980s & No 241 OCU VC10 Training Captain
Also Comets and Britannias Lyneham and Brize
Sadly we learn that Brian Sherlock passed away on 7 April 2024 in an Eastbourne nursing home to which he had been admitted recently, following a stroke which occurred immediately after the sad death of his wife Dorothy a month earlier.
Dorothy, better known as ‘Doff', and Brian both aged 90, had been married for 70 years.
Both of them were always great socialisers and, living in married quarters all through Brian’s service career, they were renowned for holding legendary parties known as ‘The Parties on the Patch’.
Brian’s funeral was held on 25th April at Eastbourne Crematorium.
RIP Brian & Doff
Note: The author knew both Doff and Brian personally when living in married quarters across the road from the Sherlocks at Brize Norton, back in the 1970s. ‘Auntie Doff’ was known to be one of the kindest ladies that was much loved by my then 0 to 5 year old daughter (now 52) who still remembers the Sherlocks with much fondness after all those years.
19 April 2024
Chris Petre joined the 10 Sqn Association in 2012 as a gesture of respect for his grand-father Jim Petre who was a founder member of the 10 Sqn Association in 1984. He had been a regular attendee at all its functions throughout his life before he died in March 2019 aged 98. In WW2 Jim had been shot down over Denmark in February 1945 and managed to evade capture.
Chris determined to honour the memory of his grand-dad and joined the Association to continue the family respects. We were therefore deeply saddened to hear this month from Pam Petre – Chris’ older sister, that he had recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer which caused him to pass away on 5 April.
Chris' funeral was held on 29th April, at Stockton Crematorium, Teeside and afterwards at The Teeside Golf Club in Thornaby.
Our heartfelt sympathies go out to all the family.
RIP Chris Petre
14 April 2024
With great sadness we have to report that Ann Mole passed away during the first week in April at her home in Darlington, Co Durham. Her death came just a few weeks after she had received a cancer diagnosis and it came as a great shock to all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Ever since her husband David, our former Association Chairman, first became involved with the Association back in the 1980s, Ann has supported his keen interest in our organisation. Many of our present-day historical facts regarding 10 Squadron’s WW2 casualties came from David’s in-depth yet pre-computer-days, research.
Supporting former Chairman David, who himself has also battled valiantly against ill-health, during the past few years, Ann encouraged him to research his late father’s WW2 career and subsequent death when serving as as a 10 Sqn Wireless Operator. David never knew his father since his Halifax bomber was lost just a week after David’s birth. Fg Off John Mole was killed in a mid-air collision over the Ardennes in Northern France in December 1944 and David, who later became a Merchant Navy engineering officer, spent many hours, days and months carrying out in-depth research into his father’s time on the Squadron. In so doing David was continually supported by Ann and the two of them only missed two Remembrance Sunday attendances in 38 years at our Yorkshire Melbourne Memorial, when David was too ill to travel. Ann also often accompanied David in his seagoing days when working on Shell tankers.
Later, after many years travelling to and fro through Belgium and France to Taillette, where his father’s 10 Sqn aircraft was lost in WW2, Ann always accompanied David on his travels and supported his desire to have a Memorial built, close to where the aircraft crashed and where his father’s remains were buried. This was finally achieved in October 1012.
When David became Chairman of our Association Ann was always by his side at Association events both in the UK and overseas in Northern Europe. She celebrated her 80th Birthday on 17th May 2022 and our membership managed to tire the Moles’ postman by sending her numerous cards of Congratulations.
On what would have been her 82nd birthday this year, we will be holding our annual Reunion Dinner at Blunsdon. - Ann, we will remember and salute you then.
Ann Mole celebrates her 80th Birthday on 17 May 2022 with her 10 Sqn Association Cards
After a cremation, David will scatter Ann’s ashes in the Lake District: at a place she loved near that of her birth.
She leaves husband David and two sons, both of whom are Royal Naval Officers. They have our sincere Condolences and Sympathies for the loss of their dear Mum and a lovely lady.
RIP Ann Mole - a friend to us all
28 March 2024
Ron Tomlin WW2 Halifax Air Bomber and PoW
Ron's crew were shot down returning from a WW2 raid and ditched in the English Channel to be later picked up and made a PoW.
Ron, shown celebrating his 100th Birthday in September last year.
We are saddened to learn of his death on Sunday 17 March 2024.
Ron's funeral was held on 3 May 2024
at The Streetly Crematorium,
STREETLY, Sutton Coldfield
A light buffet and refreshments were then made available at: The Hardwick Arms, Chester Road, Streetly.
Our sympathies go to all Ron's family and friends.
The information above was provided by Ron's son David.
Click here to see the Funeral/Cremation Order of Service :
Ron Tomlin – Order of Service, 3 May 2024
March 2024
Michael Rose VC10 Air Steward
Although he wasn’t a member of the 10 Sqn Association, we are of course saddened to learn somewhat belatedly, that Michael Rose passed away in the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford on 10th January this year, aged 82 yrs.
This information was found in a back copy of the RAF News which was dated 23 February 2024 and it is from there that we learn of Michael being a former cabin crew ‘Air Steward’ member of the Squadron, between dates unknown.
It is known that he left the RAF in the rank of sergeant after serving for 22 years and the memories of his time and travels were then kept alive by telling his family and friends the stories of his flights all over the world with 10 Squadron.
We understand that he was a caring father, grand-father and great grand-father and although we have no further information, we nevertheless send our belated condolences to all Michael’s family.
No details are known as yet as to the location or when Michael’s funeral took place and so if any friend or member of the family cares to contact us with more detailed information we would willingly expand this brief mention of his passing.
RIP Michael Rose
November 2023
John (Taff) Warren Flt Lt VC10 captain 1970s/80s
Following a short illness, John ‘Taff' Warren passed away in the evening of Thursday 30th November 2023 at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
John was a VC10 pilot on 10 Sqn in the 1970’s and 1980’s, having previously flown many types during his long flying career. These included the Dominie, Comet, Britannia and of course the VC10. He always inferred that he loved flying the VC10 and his time on 10 Squadron was his happiest.
Never one to hide his Welsh roots, Taff was a member and a keen supporter of the Association. Before his wife Anne's death, they both regularly attended Association functions together and they will both be sorely missed.
Taff's son James writes below about his father:
Taff entered RAF service in 1955 and trained as a Radio & Radar technician. In1956 he was posted to Pembroke Dock No 230 flying boat Sqn (Radio Section) before being posted to Yatesbury as an Avionics technician on the Blue Steel standoff missile system. It was here that he was offered the opportunity to pursue a flying career.
In 1962 he started his flying training on the Jet Provost (No 3 Sqn FTS) at RAF Leeming, continuing his training on the Vampire and the Varsity (No 5 Sqn FTS) at Oakington before moving to Stradishall No 1 ANS (Air Navigation School) also flying the Varsity.
In 1964 he was posted to Topcliffe to the Air Electronic School where he continued to fly the Varsity until 1966. At that stage his rank was a that of a flight sergeant.
In 1967 he was commissioned out of Henlow as a flying officer and in 1968 joined Air Support Command at RAF Lyneham flying the Britannia on 511 Squadron before moving over to RAF Brize Norton flying the Brittania, and being promoted to flight lieutenant in 1969.
In 1974 he was posted onto 216 Sqn flying the Comet back at Lyneham and after the Comets were withdrawn from Service in the Defence Cuts in 1975, he was posted to Finningley flying the Dominie on No 6 FTS until 1979 when he was posted back to Brize Norton to join 10 Sqn flying his beloved VC10.
In 1986 he made what was to be his final landing in Akrotiri after which he suffered a mild heart attack and was subsequently grounded but continued a desk job at Upavon and Strike Command High Wycombe. In 1992 he was offered a retired officer’s role in Brize Norton operations until 2000 when he fully retired and moved to Exmouth, Devon with his wife Anne. Total flying hours: 9814.
John’s funeral was held at St John the Evangelist Church, EXMOUTH
on 4 January 2024
Our condolences go to all his family.
RIP Taff
October 2023
Eric Downs (1921 – 2023) Squadron Leader 10 Sqn Dakotas – India 1947
In September this year (2023) we were advised by his son John, that former Squadron Leader Eric Downs MBE, RAF (Retd) was to reach his 102nd birthday on 24th September and could he please join the Association? We were also advised that the BBC had interviewed Eric two years ago in September 2021 on his 100th birthday. A film of that occasion is still available on Youtube:
See - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McMoSvZGxcY
Our Chairman Mike Westwood immediately proposed that Eric be awarded Honorary Life Membership of our Association and a Certificate granting this was duly drawn up and sent off to Eric. Sadly though, his son John then sent us an email in late October advising us of the sad news that Eric had passed away on 18 October just a few weeks after his 102nd birthday. .……….. John’s email reads:
Many thanks for sending me the 10 Squadron Association's "Honorary Lifetime Membership" certificate (and Mike Westwood's covering letter) for my father, Eric Downs. Unfortunately, I left his membership application too late and he passed away before I could get the documents to him. I am sure that he would have been delighted to see them - he still retained vivid and detailed memories of his time in India at Mauripur with 10 Squadron from 16 May to 17 December 1947.
In his final years with the RAF, he was OC Flying at RAF South Cerney (1 ITS) from 1st July 1965 to 30th January 1967, and then with PFS at Church Fenton, followed by FTC at Shinfield Park and AOTS back in South Cerney (11 September 1967 to 13 January 1968) - finishing as Senior Ops Officer at ASC, Fairford until 24th September 1970. He had built a house in South Cerney in 1965, expecting to stay in his OC Flying job until his retirement but his plans were thrown into disarray when (allegedly) complaints from the local MP about the noise from ITS ops over his country mansion caused ITS to be moved the Church Fenton!
I attach a draft obituary that I sent to Graham Pitchfork, military obits editor for the Telegraph. Graham rewrote the first part, which I have included in the draft. I don't know what Graham's final version will look like, but you are most welcome to use the info/facts from my draft. My sister Anita has written a short biography of Eric's life, including his time with 10 Squadron in Pakistan. When the dust has settled a bit I will scan the 10 Squadron section of the book for your records and reference. Eric was born in Bermondsey, London (the 4th of 11 children) on 24th September 1921 and died on 18th October 2023. He was going strong until a few months ago, and was looking forward to a least a few more years, but his body decided it was time to go...
Thanks again and kind regards, John Downs
- a copy of the Draft Obit is attached here.
RIP Eric Downs
October 2023
Note: There is slight confusion regarding the date of the member's passing below and this will be corrected in due course as soon as more information becomes known.
Roy Maddock-Lyon WW2 Flight Sergeant and Halifax flight engineer
Flt Sgt Roy Maddock-Lyon was the flight engineer on a 10 Squadron Mk lll Halifax MZ 793, that was shot down on 14/15 February 1945 over Denmark. Theirs was one of four aircraft assigned to a mine-laying operation in the Baltic off the coast from Stetin in what is now north-west Poland.
The captain, Fg Off John Grayshan sadly died during the incident as did the navigator FS Albert Berry. Two others crew members Plt Off Chaderton the air-bomber and Sgt Andrews the WOp, were taken as PoWs but the rest evaded capture including former flight engineer Roy.
In December 2022 Roy was made an Honorary Life Member of the Association in recognition for both his wartime service as well as his later dedication to the Association.
Roy Maddock-Lyon receiving his Honorary Life Membership Certificate from Chairman Mike Westwood in late 2022
Having lived in the Weedon area of Northants for many years, Roy and his late wife Shirley spent their later years in the Cheltenham area of Gloucestershire. His loyalty and devotion to the RAF never faltered in all his 98 years.
Our condolences go to his daughter Zoe and all Roy’s extended family.
9 September 2023
Al Sheppard SQN LDR - VC10 CAPTAIN
In the week when we said farewell to John Waltham and Ian Strike, we sadly now learn of another VC10 era member who has just passed away - Al Sheppard. Although not a member of the Association, many ex-crew members have fond memories of Al.
Ann Bihan writes:
“Former 10 Squadron VC10 captain in the 1970s, Al Shepphard passed away on the morning of Tuesday 5th September 2023 at his home near Corsham, Wiltshire.
He had been in hospital in Bath for a short spell after a fall resulting in a broken hip which could only be pinned. With a prognosis that was not good, Al asked to be taken home to be with his family.
He was a lovely man with not an ounce of pomposity in him and a much-admired captain. It was always considered a pleasure to be on his crew. After leaving the RAF, Al joined Gulf Air in Bahrain and later became one of the personal pilots who flew the of Emir of Bahrain, Sheikh Isa Bin Salman on the Bahrain Royal Flight. On his return to the UK after retirement, he lived close to Brize Norton in Carterton for many years before moving to Corsham.
Meeting up with him last year, Al was then over 90 with an amazing memory recalling stories of both his time in the RAF and his extraordinary life in the Gulf.”
We understand that the funeral will be a private, family-only affair.
September 2023
Ian David Strike Sqn Ldr VC10 Navigator
With much regret we are informed by his daughter Helen, of the recent death of her father Ian Strike, who was a VC10 navigator from 1976 to 1986, and who was on 216 Squadron as a Comet VIP navigator prior to joining 10 Squadron.
After suffering with Parkinson’s disease for some time, Ian died peacefully in Ashgrove House Nursing Home, Purton, Wiltshire, aged 89 years.
He and his wife Margaret who died in 2018, are survived by 2 daughters, 2 sons, 5 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Ian often spoke of his time with 10 Squadron with great pride and many happy memories.
Ian' funeral was held at the North Wiltshire Crematorium, Royal Wootton Bassett, on Thursday 7th September.
August/September 2023
John Derek Waltham Squadron Leader and former VC10 Officer i/c Cabin Crew
John (February 1936 - August 2023) was not only a staunch supporter of the 10 Sqn Association but he also took an active role in the Air Loadmasters' Association - being it's President for a considerable length of time.
Our heartfelt condolences go to his daughter Louize and son Duncan and families.
John’s funeral and burial took place on a gloriously sunny and warm day in the delightful Cotswold village of Black Bourton just south of RAF Brize Norton’s runway on 5th September. A guard of honour was mounted by members of The Air Loadmaster’s Association at the church door and the coffin was preceded into the church by the 10 Squadron Association’s standard, carried by Dick King.
All seats were taken in St Mary’s Church by mourners, all wishing to pay their final respects to John during the service in which three eulogies were given, prayers said and hymns sung. Completing the service, John’s coffin was given a final military salute with the 10 Squadron Association’s Standard. The coffin was carried the short distance from the church entrance to its final resting place for burial alongside the grave of John's wife Julie. As it was lowered into the ground a chance overflight by a Brize Norton A400M aircraft made an unknowing yet poignant gesture of salute.
A wake was then held in the Vines Hotel just a few yards from the church where those attending were then able to give their condolences to John’s daughter Louize and son Duncan.
If such words are not considered inappropriate, it was a lovely ceremony. A good friend and former RAF officer whom everyone, without exception, respected and admired, was laid to rest on a brilliantly sunny day. All attending will recall that as matching John’s disposition.
John Waltham will be well remembered as a fine man, whom everyone liked and respected.
Whilst on 10 Squadron John supervised the cabin crew in charge of Her Majesty The Late Queen Elizabeth II on a number of flights in the VC10.
One such five-day trip trip was in February 1983 when the Squadron had the privilege of flying HMQ from London Heathrow to the Caribbean via Bermuda and then on to Kingston and Montego Bay in Jamaica, Grand Cayman and finally to Acapulco in Mexico. The VC 10 was XR 807 for Ascot 1148. The flight returned to the UK via Washington in the USA on 18th February but the Queen was not on board after Mexico. The picture below shows John on the left and was sent in to us by the flight engineer, M Eng Roy McMullan being introduced to the Queen by the captain Sqn Ldr Mick Dobson. It is thought that Sqn Ldr Joe Sharp was the navigator but unfortunately the names of the co-pilot (possibly Ian Neil??) and remainder of the cabin crew are unknown.
RIP John Waltham (end left)
26 July 2023
Steve Ponting Master Engineer (Deputy 10 Sqn Eng Ldr)
We learn from his best friend that Steve died on Saturday 22 July 2023 after a very short illness even though he was not a totally well man.
Steve, was the Deputy Eng Ldr on 10 Squadron and prior to that he flew Hercules on 70 Squadron and then on 47 Squadron’s ‘Special Forces Flight.’
Steve’s good friend Terry Hulmes, (Eng Ldr 1991 -93) who has informed us of the sad news about Steve’s passing writes, “We did the VC10 OCU together on No 66 Course in 1991. Steve then became my Deputy Eng Ldr in 1992 and he continued in that post under Andy Scott until he left the RAF in about 1997 to fly for Channel Express and eventually he became a Chief Ground Instructor in the Gulf.”
In the 66 Cse photo below Steve is front centre and Terry is rear row end right
Steve's funeral was held on 15th August 2023
at the North Wiltshire Crematorium, Royal Wooton Bassett.
Our sympathies go to Steve’s wife Sharon Ponting
RIP Steve
31 May 2023
Eric Walter Brown February 1932 - May 2023
Squadron Leader - VC10 Training Captain 241 OCU and ATEU
We regret to announce, being informed by his daughter-in-law Christine, that Eric passed away on Friday 26 May at Marden Court Care Home, Calne, Wiltshire, having suffered from a stroke two weeks beforehand.
Many will remember him joining 10 Squadron in its early days after his tours in the V-Force and those of more recent vintage will recall him as a 241 OCU VC10 Training Captain and then, after a move to Upavon, Eric became an ATEU examiner.
Eric in a VC10
After retirement in his Carterton, Oxfordshire home, Eric moved into a Care Home in Chippenham last year to be closer to his son’s family.
Shortly after all the family had joined the 10 Squadron Association in early 2022, the shocking news came to us that Eric’s son Robert had died following a short and unexpected fight with cancer in the autumn.
Our heart goes out to Robert’s wife Christine for this latest tragedy to befall her in less than nine months and we send her and her son Oliver our deepest sympathies.
Shortly after Robert’s death last year Christine set up a charity donation link for him and wishes any donation for Eric to likewise contribute and be sent to them:
Chris Brown - in memory of Rob ❤ (cancerresearchuk.org)
If one reads her comments on this website it will be noted that she is carrying out a ‘virtual’ walk the length of Britain to raise funds and has now more than surpassed her initial target.
Christine is also proposing to encourage donations to the RAF Benevolent Fund. - See:
Make a donation | RAF Benevolent Fund (rafbf.org)
Eric’s funeral took place on 'Midsummer Day at High Noon' (12:00 hrs on 21st June) at The North Wiltshire Crematorium, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, and a wake was held afterwards at Sally Pussey's Inn, also in Wootton Bassett. Click on the words below to see the Order of Service:
Those unable to attend the funeral could watch a live feed available on-line via the link below.
(It's not known how long this will still be made available)
Website: https://watch.obitus.com
Username: made1513
Password: 637920
Info supplied by : Odette Funeral Director, 7 Phelps Parade, Calne, SN11 0HA
Tel: 01249 819972
VC10: Eric with HM King Charles (then Prince of Wales) V-Force Days -on the ladder
As the writer of the above I am particularly saddened by the news above since, not only was Eric my neighbour, living just opposite me for 10 years, from the mid 1970s, but he was also my Training Captain on the ‘Hong Kong Trainer’ at the end of my VC10 course and, six years later we flew together as two captains on my very last trip on 10 Squadron and in the RAF. RK – (Web Warden)
RIP Eric & Rob
7 April 2023
Keith Cheshire Senior Aircraftsman - 1950s Victor Ground Crew - RAF Cottesmore
Keith Cheshire’s son Nigel writes to inform us of the sad passing of his father at the Lamlash War Memorial Hospital on the Isle of Arran in Scotland on the 20th March with his wife Anne, of 67 years of marriage, by his side.
Keith had served with 10 Squadron in their Victor days at RAF Cottesmore and never failed to impress upon his family how proud he had been to serve with the Squadron. That was of course in the days when the Victor provided Britain’s Nuclear Deterrent at the height of the Cold War. In later years he lived on the Isle of Arran where he eventually became a transport coordinator to retire just a few months before his death. Keith’s funeral was held at the:
Holmsford Bridge Crematorium, Dreghorn, Irvine, Kilmarnock on 19th April.
No flowers but donations to Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) or Arran Cancer Society (ARCAS).
Our sincere condolences go to Anne, Nigel and all other members of the family
RIP Keith
Further details about Keith will follow when known.
10 March 2023
Gwenda Parry-Wren Cabin Crew VC10
With much sadness we learn that Gwenda Parry-Wren, an Air Steward on the Squadron from 1978-81, passed away on 5 March 2023.
Gwenda served as a Cabin Crew Air Steward on the VC10 and later moved to RAF Northolt where she served on No 32 Squadron, the VIP unit flying on the HS125. Gwenda was cabin crew on the first of that type when it was collected from the factory at Hatfield.
To quote a former colleague from her 10 Squadron days, “She was a most professional operator and a lovely person to know.”
The funeral was held on 24th March in Rhewl Chapel, Ruthin, Wales
and a wake was held afterwards in the nearby Rhewl Pavilion.
Our condolences go to her husband Chris.
Donations to St Kentigern's Hospice, Upper Denbigh Rd, St Asaph LL17 0RS
See: Donate – St Kentigern Hospice
RIP Gwenda
6 February 2023
Paul M. Woodman (2 January 1944 – 6 February 2023) Sqn Ldr (Retd) VC 10 Flt Engineer (Leader)
A recent query to a post on the Professional Pilots’ website revealed that a brief notification there referred to Paul Woodman who had served on 10 Squadron’s VC10s in the mid-1980s as a flight engineer and who was also the Squadron’s Engineer Leader. We learned that Paul had been admitted to a hospice in early 2023 suffering from cancer and after a short time there, had sadly passed away, aged 79 yrs, on 6th February. Regrettably this information came after his funeral.
As a most experienced flight engineer Paul did tours on the Hercules, and the VC10 to later become the Engineering Leader at the Air Warfare Centre (QinetiQ- the multinational defence technology company) at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire.
One of the most popular and highly-competent flight engineers ever to be on 10 Squadron, Paul leaves his wife Joan, son James and their daughter Ellie. To them and any other family members, we extend our deepest sympathy, adding that Paul will be greatly missed yet long-remembered by all who ever had the privilege of flying with a true professional and thoroughly nice man.
RIP Paul
6 January 2023
Peter M. Wentworth VC10 Master Air Loadmaster
With great sadness we announce the recent passing of our former Association Secretary Peter Wentworth who had been ill for sometime before his death on the night of Friday 6 January 2023.
Former VC10 Master Air Loadmaster, Peter had joined the RAF in the 1960s and became an air quartermaster on helicopters before transferring to fixed wing aircraft on No 216 Squadron flying on their VIP Comet 4s based at RAF Lyneham before his move to No 10 Sqn’s VC10s at Brize Norton when the Comets were withdrawn from service.
As many will know and recall with affection, Peter was a member of the prestigious Magic Circle and enthralled many who came under his spells when performing his magic tricks. Living in Faringdon, Oxfordshire, he also supported a local charity which conducted tours to, and cared for, the eye-catching Lord Berners' 100 ft high ‘folly’ tower on a hill outside the town.
Peter impersonates eccentric Lord Berners, the original owner of the Faringdon Tower,
whilst showing it to some Association members during the May 2016 Reunion Days
Peter, as Lord Berners in his home town of Faringdon, Berks.
Additionally, Peter supported the Air Loadmaster’s Association and took great pride in attending the annual Remembrance Sunday event at the London Cenotaph and being in the marchpast there, when travelling the long distance north to our own 10 Sqn Memorial at Melbourne, Yorks became too much of an ordeal for him.
In spite of his failing health, Peter was last seen supporting the Association during the height of the 2020 pandemic, when he was one of the limited number of those who attended the unveiling of the new cemetery headstone at Bibury, Glos, for the former OC10 Arthur T. Whitelock.
In the early part of the 21st century, as Association Secretary, Peter initiated the transition from paper to computer for the storage of our Association Membership details and was able to eventually hand these over to his successor when his failing health warranted a respite from his duties. He had thrived on keeping our Members’ List up-to-date, arranging the financial aspects of our Reunions, deciding on their dinner menu choices and particularly his insistence that he must sample the choices of the wine before the events. The laborious chore of addressing envelopes and posting of all the former paper Association Newsletters and other mail was but another of his duties carried out so willingly.
His live-wire personality, together with his occasional, impromptu magic shows and comedy acts will never be forgotten.
Our deepest sympathies go to Peter’s wife Su and the rest of his family, some of whom are in Spain.
A eulogy has been sent to us by one of Peter's long-term colleagues and friends and can be read by clicking on the name below.
Peter's funeral service was held at All Saints Church, Faringdon, Oxfordshire on Friday 17th February and over 100 people filled the church. The coffin, draped with the 10 Sqn Association Flag had Peter's RAF hat and a lovely bouquet of red and white flowers mounted on its top and was attended by three members of the local British Legion with their Standard throughout the service. Tributes were given by some of Peter's former RAF colleagues, local Faringdon residents and his wife Su. At the end of the service, as the coffin travelled the length of the nave on departure, the 10 Squadron Association Standard was dipped in a final salute to one who had been a valued contributor to it in the past, during his term of office.
Guests were then invited to proceed to the Sudbury House Hotel in Faringdon whilst the family attended Kingsdown Crematorium in Swindon, joining those at the hotel a short time later after the cremation.
Peter’s family wish to share this tribute link, set up by the funeral directors, where a donation may be easily made to either Dementia UK or the RAF Benevolent Fund.
R I P Peter