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December 2023

It seems that Taff Warren in the earlier article [3 x below] about car registration plates joined a fashionable group of enthusiasts.  The photo above was apparently taken at Elvington near York, outside the Yorkshire Air Museum buildings, a year or so ago.  It was recently sent to one of our members with a query asking if the Volvo owner was a member of the Association.

Purely because we’re inquisitive, we’d like to know to whom the car belongs and possibly get in touch.  We're not suggesting that anyone should hack into the DVLA or Police computers but we'd love to know about its owner.  If it’s yours or you know whose it is, please get in touch with us. 

Could the owner be an ex-Victor, VC10 or even a Voyager navigator before the ‘Nav’ name disappeared a few years ago and they subsequently became MSOs?

Note: MSOs (mission systems operators) as they are called today, no longer contribute to the aircraft’s navigation but they coordinate and control air-to-air refuelling activities from the tanker’s flight deck; the Voyager’s navigation being controlled by the two pilots through computerised nav systems and GPS.

 However, it seems that the RAF has run out of abbreviations because that of ‘MSO’ is also used to refer to ‘Medical Support Officers’ who provide essential Health Service Support (HSS) to both the RAF Medical Services and the wider Defence Medical Services

So, one presumes that on occasions, on long flights that require air-to-air refuelling and which also have aeromedical patients on board, there might be an MSO ‘up front’ and others ‘down the back’?